Thursday, 12 June 2014

DIY-pimp your coasters

Pimp up your coasters

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Now this here is the perfect DIY project for anybody who either has boring, old coasters for glasses at home, or who just can't find cool ones in the shops. I had some cork coasters at home that we never used but I think that's going to change when I'm done with them :)

What you need:

  • simple coasters (I had 5 cork coasters at hand)
  • mod podge (or some other kind of crafts glue that dries clear)
  • motives/pictures from magazines

Select your designs. I used pictures from a cooking magazine, but feel free to use whatever magazine you like. I could also imagine this looking good with newspaper text.


Use one coaster as a template for the size of the pattern and draw a line around it. Cut along the inner side of the line.

Pimp up your coasters

  See if it fits or if you need to cut it a little smaller.

Pimp up your coasters

 Cut out as many pictures as you need for your coasters. I had five coasters to decorate.

Pimp up your coasters

 Coat one side of the first coaster with mod podge and layer the design on top.

Pimp up your coasters

 The picture is also coated with one layer of mod podge that dries clear. This is a protection for any spill of fluids on it. You could also use a clear top coat or lacquer for the same purpose.

Pimp up your coasters

When you're done, put them in a safe and dry place where they dry for a couple of hours or overnight.

Pimp up your coasters

 And here they are! Super-cool if you ask me :)

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